EVV - Add Authorization Dates and Hours

Video: (1) Adding Authorization Dates and Hours - YouTube

Use the approved authorized hours to help track how many hours are scheduled versus how many hours have been completed. This feature works with the 17.34 Authorizations Used report, in combination with schedules and visits, to compare authorized to scheduled to completed hours.   

Ideally, annual authorization and care plan dates will match.  They should create a continuous flow of uninterrupted dates, with no gaps.

1. From Patient Histories or Referral, click on Authorizations
2. Pull the patient up and select the payer. 
3. Add the Service Plan dates as the From and Thru Dates. 
4. Select Hours/Week or Hours/Month and key in the authorized hours. 
5. Click on Save.

For MCOs like Healthy Blue that provide monthly authorizations, the care plan should span the entire period for which you have monthly authorizations and should NOT be broken down into monthly care plans. 
Make sure you enter the authorization From, Thru and auth # for each month. The authorization is required when sending EVV Visits through CareBridge.

Posted Tuesday, October 12, 2021 by farrah@barnestorm.com