EVV - When a Patient is Discharged

Use the following steps to discontinue services for a patient. This will mark the patient as discharge and remove future scheduled visits. 
  1. Open Patient Profile: Navigate to the Select Patient screen, choose the patient, and click on the Referrals tab.

  2. Select Payer: In the Payers tab, select the payer you wish to discharge.

  3. Discharge Payer:

    • Check the Discharged box.
    • Update the Discharge Date if necessary.
    • Select the D/C Reason
    • Click Save Payer.
  4. Remove Future Schedules: A pop-up message will ask if you want to remove future schedules after the discharge date.

    • Click Yes to remove the schedules from the Care Champ app, EVV Visits, and Schedules.
  5. Save Patient Data: Click Save All Patient Data to initiate the process. This may take a few minutes.

Posted Tuesday, September 21, 2021 by farrah@barnestorm.com