03.62 Employee Schedules

This report shows Employee Schedule(s), by Date and Time. 

How to Run the Report

Click the Reports tab > Employees tab > 03.62 Employee Schedule

Starting Date/Ending Date = Enter your desired date range.  

Program = Enter specific program number(s), or leave blank to include All.

o Employee = Enter specific employee number(s), or leave blank to include All.

o Job Code(s) = Enter specific job code(s), or leave blank to include All.

Team(s) = Enter specific team code(s), or leave blank to include All.

Time in ( 24 hour format) No: = Enter a specific start time (time in), or leave blank to include All.  EX:  For 8 AM, you would type in 0800; For 1 PM, you would type in 1300.

Time out ( 24 hour format) No: = Enter a specific end time (time out), or leave blank to include All.

How to Read the Report

Day = Assigned day of the Week.

o Date = Date of the Week.

Chart# = Patient chart number.

Patient = Patient Last, First name.

Emp# = Employee assigned to patient.

PGM = Program assigned to patient.

PYR = Payer assigned to patient.

Job = Job code (service provided).

Vst = Visit status code (type of visit). 

o Time in= Start time of visit

o Time out = End time of visit.

Min = Number of minutes for service provided.

For a more detailed report, which includes patient address/contact information, click here.

Posted Thursday, November 30, 2017 by linda@barnestorm.com