21.54 List of Pharmacies

This report allows you to print off the listing of pharmacies, available in your system.  For instructions on how to add or edit a pharmacy, please click here.

How to Run the Report

From Barnestorm Office, click on Reports > Misc > 21.54 List of Pharmacies.

Print the Report

Click the "Print the Report" tab to view the list of pharmacies. 

How To Read The Report

            o   Code =  Code assigned to the pharmacy.

o   Pharmacy = Name of pharmacy.

o   City, State = Pharmacy location:city and state.

o   Contact = Your contact person for that pharmacy.

            o   Phone =  Pharmacy phone number.

o   Fax = Pharmacy fax number.

o  Email = Pharmacy email address.

If you need to add/edit a pharmacy, please follow instructions on this link:  Add/EditPharmacies.



Posted Wednesday, June 15, 2016 by linda@barnestorm.com