21.15 FYI Orders

This report pulls a list of all FYI orders, based on the dates you enter.

How to Run the Report

From Barnestorm Office, click on Reports > Orders > 21.15 FYI Orders.

            o   Starting Date =  Enter the beginning search date based on the order date. 

o   Ending Date = Enter the ending search date based on the order date. 

Print the Report

After you've entered your search criteria, click the "Print the Report" tab.  

How to Read the Report

o   Verbal Order = The order number.

o   Issue Date = The date of the order.

o   Chart Number =  The chart the order belongs to.

o   Patient = Patient Name.

o   Employee = Name of the employee who created the order.

o   Doctor = Doctor assigned to the order.

Posted Tuesday, June 14, 2016 by linda@barnestorm.com