08.56 List of Patients By Doctor

This report displays a listing of all “active” patients, by doctor.

How to Run the Report

From Barnestorm Office, click on Reports > Doctor > 08.56 List of Patients By Doctor

o   Program(s) = You can enter a specific program number(s) or leave blank to search all.

Print the Report

After you've entered your search criteria, click the "Print the Report" tab.  

How to Read the Report

Docnam = Name of the doctor. 

o   Chart = Chart number assigned to the patient.

o   Patient = Patient’s name.

o   Tm = Team number assigned to the patient.

o   Phone = Patient’s phone number.

o   AdmitDate = Date of admission.

o   DrAddress1 = Doctor’s address.  This is located in Codes>Other Basic Codes>Doctors. 

o   DoctorAddress2 = Doctor’s address. This is located in Codes>Other Basic Codes>Doctors.  If there is nothing listed in the Address Line 2 field, this section will be blank on the report.

o   City/St/Zip = Doctor's city, state and zip.

o   Pro = Program assigned to chart.

o   Payer = Payer assigned to chart.

 NOTE:  If you want a count of active patients, by doctor, please view report 08.50 Active Pt Counts by Doctor.




Posted Monday, June 13, 2016 by linda@barnestorm.com