01.55 Active Patient With 0 Visits

This report will pull all ACTIVE patients who have no visits in the system, that has one of these patient status’:  Active; On Hold – In another facility; On hold – other; Discharged – goals met; Discharged – goals not met;or Deceased.   The patient status is listed on the Finish tab of the Referral.  NOTE:  If the patient’s status is Referred, not admitted or Referral Cancelled, the patient will not appear on this report. 

If you run the report and determine that the patient’s status is listed incorrectly, please contact a member of your office staff.  They can correct the status in the referral screen of Barnestorm Office. 

How to Run the Report

 From Barnestorm Office, click on Reports > Visits > 01.55 Active patient with 0 Visits

      o  Beginning = this date will represent the beginning date of your search.

o   Ending = this date will represent the ending date of your search.

o   Program(s) = You can enter a specific program number(s) or leave blank to search all.

o   Payer(s) = You can enter a specific payer number(s) or leave blank to search all.

Print the Report

After you've entered your search criteria, click the "Print the Report" tab.  

How to Read the Report

o   ChartNum = Patient chart number.

o   PatName = Name of patient.

o   Team = Team number assigned to patient.  This is listed on the Employees tab of the Referral. 

o   Telephone = Patient’s telephone number. This is entered on the Start screen of the Referral.

o   Birthdate = Patient’s date of birth.  This is entered on the Start screen of the Referral.

o   Admitdate = Date of admission.  This is entered on the Referral Information screen of the Referral.

o   Employee =Employee assigned to patient.  This is entered on the Employees tab of the Referral.

o   EmpName = Name of assigned employee.

o   Program = Program number assigned to patient.  This is entered on the Payers tab of the Referral.

o   Payer =Payer source assigned to patient.  This is entered on the Payers tab of the Referral.

o   Payer = Payer name of the payer source.

o   Status = Status of patient.  This is entered on the Referral Information tab of the Referral.

o   DC Reason = Reason for discharge.  This is entered on the Payers tab of the Referral.


Posted Monday, May 23, 2016 by linda@barnestorm.com