Ports and Sites That Need to Be Open for Barnestorm

We need all Barnestorm users to have full, unblocked access to:

Barnestorm.biz (we run installation executables off of here, as well)
Logmein.com (tech support)

These outgoing ports need to be open for Barnestorm users: 
80, 450, 443, 20, 21, 2022, 8090

In addition, Barnestorm uses Logmein to provide remote support for all users.
LogMeIn is compatible with all major security suites and broadband routers. To make LogMeIn work when the host is behind a firewall, you must ensure the following:
  • TCP port 443 traffic must be allowed
  • LogMeIn components must not be blocked

LogMeIn Components

Add the following LogMeIn components to the allowed list in your firewall configuration:

  • LogMeIn.exe
  • LogMeInSystray.exe
  • LogMeInRC.exe
  • LMIGuardian.exe
  • raabout.exe
  • ramaint.exe

Posted Wednesday, September 17, 2014 by christine@barnestorm.com