Enter Medicare Hospice Medications Used

Prior to October 1, 2018, Hospice agencies shall report each medication refill and each infusion pump (a type of DME) on a line-item basis. DME other than infusion pumps and medical supplies are not to be reported. Starting October 1, 2018, these items are to be reported only in total by revenue code rather than in detail on each claim.

  1. Billing > Other > Enter Hospice Per Diem Charges
  2. Select the tab for Hospice Medications
  3. Select the Patient and the Item Date
  4. Click inside the Medicine text area.  A list of the Medication History will appear on the right.  Click on the med, or DME-PUMP.  
  5. If the medication to be added to the claim is not in the Med History, fix that first!  Go to the patient's Medicine History and add the medication.  
  6. For non-injectable meds, enter the first 9 digits of the NDC (National Drug Code).  A list of the possible packaging codes will appear below, showing how that med is packaged.  Click on the one with the last 2 digits that match your 11-digit NDC.  Click on the NDC units code.  Fill in the units (this can have up to 3 digits to the right of the decimal).  Fill in the total price.  Save.
  7. For injectable meds, or an infusion pump, or infusion meds, enter the appropriate HCPCS code for that med, and a modifier if needed.  Fill in the units and price and Save.
  8. To correct or delete an item, click on it in the panel at the bottom of the screen.

Posted Wednesday, April 02, 2014 by farrah@barnestorm.com