30.04 Assessments Not Locked+Chg

Reports > Assessment > 30.04 Assessments Not Locked+Chg

This report gives you any assessment that is currently NOT in the Locked+Chg status.  Locked+Chg is the last status of the assessment when it becomes ready for billing. 

How to Run the Report

The Starting and Ending Date goes based on the assessment / visit date.  You can choose if you want to run the report for ALL assessments not in the Locked+Chg status or you can narrow down your search by status.

In the Status field you can enter any combination of the following or you can leave it blank to select ALL assessments not Locked+Chg:

00 = Incomplete, means this visit is missing a time in and/or time out.

01 = Completed, means the visit has a time in and out but the clinician has not locked the assessment yet.

02 = Locked, the assessment has been locked by the clinician but it has not been imported for billing yet.

XX = Cancelled, the visit was marked as cancelled from the Visits/Assessments screen. 

How to Read the Report

The report will order by patient last name and then by Start Date.  If either Start or End Date has 01/01/00 then the time in or out has not been set in the assessment. 

DateAdd is the date the assessment was started in Point of Care. 

DateSign is the date of the patient signature.   If the date shows as 01/01/00 then there was not a patient signature. 

Rate is the amount attached to the Job Code used on the assessment - found under Codes > Rates > Job Codes.  

Posted Tuesday, February 25, 2014 by farrah@barnestorm.com