Global Settings - Visit Entry

Here are the global settings under the Visit Entry category and,on the right, a description of what the settings mean.






Load Visits from Assessments

True = Imports assessments created from POC into the Visit Entry screen for billable charges
False= Does not allow charges to be created from assessments 


Default Visit Import in Days 

Enter the number of days to go back and mark assessments as chargeable


Load Visits Cut off Date

Enter the date to start marking assessments as chargeable – format is YYYYMMDD


Hide Social Security Number in Visit Note Start Screen

True = Only the last 4 digits of SS# appears on the note.     

False = The whole SS# appears on the note.


Load Visits from Schedules 

True = Allow charges to be created from scheduled items into the Visit entry screen for billable charges
False= Do not allow charges to be created from schedules 


Default Schedules Import in Days 

Enter the number of days to go back and mark schedules as chargeable


Load Schedules Cut off Date

Enter the date to start marking schedules as chargeable – format is YYYYMMDD


Payer Payclass Codes to Exclude from creating assessments

Enter the PayClass for payers that do not need an assessment created to show up under the Visits / Assessments screen.  PayClass comes from Codes > Program Related Codes > Payer Codes. Example DEFG2

 For a full listing of your agency's settings, go to Codes Program Related Codes > Program Codes.  Click Print Global Settings tab at the bottom of the screen.

Posted Monday, September 09, 2013 by