I Can’t Create A PRN visit

If you receive this popup, when trying to Start a PRN visit, you will need to follow the instructions within the box to Start the PRN assessment:

1.       Exit the assessment screen

2.       Go to the main menu and select the Orders tab

3.       You can select an Order Type; or you can leave it blank

4.       In the text area, type the order (making sure to include the word PRN).  For example: “PRN visits as needed for catheter change.”

5.       Save and create the order as normal.

6.       Go back to the Visit/Assessment tab.  Enter your selections for top portion of screen, and select Start.  You will get a popup like this:

7.  Select OK.  You can now proceed with documentation.

Posted Wednesday, September 04, 2013 by linda@barnestorm.com