Below is a link that will guide you to the CMS instructions on Home Health Advance Beneficiary Notice (HHABN).  You can track expiring HHABNs in Barnestorm by entering the information for each patient that signs a copy.  From Barnestorm Office pull up the patient and click on Patient Histories > ABN History.   Fill in the information that was given on the paper HHABN for the patient to sign. After all fields are entered, click on the Save button.

To track expiring HHABN forms, go to Reports > Patient > 01.50 HHABN Expires. Enter the date range for expiring forms and click on Print Report. This report will give you the patient, case manager, ABN date, expiring date and reason for HHABN. 

Beneficiary Notices Initiative (BNI) | CMS

Posted Wednesday, March 27, 2013 by