My Claims were Submitted Successfully, but Medicaid/Medicare Did Not Receive Claims

The first step would be to contact Medicaid or Medicare to see if they received the batch, and if they rejected the batch.  You will need to download the 999 and/or 277 response files, from that payer's site, to verify if the batch was accepted or rejected.  Please follow these troubleshooting tips for rejected batches, click HERE.

There are several new requirements with the new Version 5010.  One of the common errors we are finding, is that agencies are not including their agency’s physical address.  P.O. Boxes are no longer accepted; and a nine-digit zip code is required.  Verify that the agencies physical address is listed under Billing>HIPAA Transactions>Edit HIPAA Payers, pull up the payer and verify the address is correct.

 Please view the following links, for further information on receiving Medicare and Medicaid response files:

 Receive Response From EDS

 View Medicare Response Files

Posted Friday, May 18, 2012 by