19.01 Verify Hospice Data

How To Run the Report

Run this report frequently to find and fix Hospice data issues timely.  From Barnestorm Office click on Reports > Hospice > 19.01 Verify Hospice Data

From / Thru = Enter the date range for the date patient admitted.

This report will look for the following:

o Duplicated per diem charges.

o Find patients classified as not admitted but does have per diem charges.

o Compares the length of stay between the start of care date and the discharge date to the actual number of per diems.

o Looks for per diem charges before the admit date and after the discharge date.

o Looks for overlapping Hospice facility stay dates.

How to Read the Report

Pg / Pyr =Program and payer number.

Rev = Revenue code.

o Admit Dt = Date patient was admitted.

Chrg Date = Date that has the conflict.

D/C Date = Date patient was discharged. 

Posted Friday, May 18, 2012 by farrah@barnestorm.com