Eligibility Verifications for Medicare

Direct Data Entry (DDE)

Medicare eligibility can be verified through the DDE system.  The DDE On-line Remote Terminal Access was created as an integral part of the Fiscal Intermediary Standard System (FISS) to enable Medicare providers to perform the following functions (electronically):

1.  Patient eligibility

2.  Send Claims

3.  Correct, adjust and cancel claims

4.  Access revenue codes, HCPCS codes, ICD-9 Code Inquiry tables

5.  Reason Codes and Adjustment Reason Codes

6.  Determine DRG for Inpatient Hospital Claims

DDE References:  www.palmettogba.com

Medicare eligibility verifications are available for eSolutions customers who use their MVP product.
Barnestorm is compatible with eSolutions.
For more information about eSolutions, please visit their web site or call them:
http://www.ecorpnet.com/                         866.633.4726

Posted Wednesday, February 01, 2012 by christine@barnestorm.com