5010 Update--Applications

If a payer contacts you and indicates that you need to submit an application to be able to submit 5010 claims, please follow their instructions and submit the applicationĀ  as they specify by the deadline the payer indicates.

Barnestorm does not have, store, or fill in those applications, so please complete the application to the best of your abilities and

call the Payer if you have questions about your 5010 applications or paperwork requested by the payer.

Thank you for your attention to this matter--Barnestorm has completed our testing process and is ready to submit claims in 5010 format. We sincerely appreciate your taking the time to read the many documents we have posted on 5010 to see if your questions are answered there before you call us on 5010 issues.
Here is a list of our 5010 articles: http://kb.barnestorm.us/Tags.aspx?Tag=5010

Posted Friday, December 09, 2011 by christine@barnestorm.com