19.07 - Hospice Face-to-face Doc Required

Reports > Hospice  > 19.07  485s Requiring F2F 

This report tracks Hospice patients whose current or next 485 will require a face-to-face visit. Run this report at least every two weeks to make sure none are missed. 

The From and Thru filter dates are based on the 485 From date for active patients. 

It also looks for the number of admit benefit periods listed on the Referral > Payer > Hospice Tracking > Hospice Admission Benefit Period #.  This will help track the next valid episode that needs a Face-to-Face. 

Note: This report works with the checkbox located on the 485 screen 'Physician Face-to-face documented verified'. If this box is checked then the 485 episode will be marked as complete and the patient will not show up on the report. 

Posted Tuesday, January 04, 2011 by farrah@barnestorm.com