NPI for PCS and CAP Providers

There has been a question regarding if a provider does provide PCS and CAP/DA, but have an NPI for
each service instead of just one NPI as in the example in the Medicaid bulletin article, what would be the best taxonomy code to use.

Robert Bush in Medicaid's provider services said CAP/DA
providers are using the Home Health taxonomy code of :

Home Health - 251E00000X

Remember the PCS taxonomy code that you are to use is:

Personal Care Services - 3747P1801X

This information applies to providers who have one NPI for PCS and another
NPI for CAP/DA- what is considered a one to one match, the information below
in the bulletin article should be followed if you have one NPI for both
services ( CAP and PCS).

In Barnestorm, only those customers who bill for both CAP and PCS need to be concerned about this. Those customers need to use Billing > HIPAA Transactions > HIPAA Payers to make sure they use the 3747P1801X taxonomy code.

Posted Monday, April 13, 2009 by