Add New Facilities

This article will covers how to add a new facility into the system.

Hospitals and facilities are added in the same screen as doctors.

  • Go to Codes > Other Basic Codes > Doctors.
  • Click the Add button. A window will pop up listing of codes that are available for new doctors and facilities. 
  • You can enter the first digit you would like to start with before clicking on the Add button to start the codes with that digit.
  • Select one of the available codes for the new facility.
  • For the drop down list Type, select the correct type of facility.
  • Only the Doctor, Physician Assistant, and Nurse Practitioner type will allow you to enter a Last and First name. All other types will need to have the entire name entered on the Last Name field only.  
  • Once the Type is selected, some fields may disappear or grey out if they are not valid for the type.  
  • Add the facility name and information.
  • Click the Save button.

Posted Monday, September 22, 2008 by