Revenue Codes for supplies

Supply claims can be rejected if the revenue code is incorrect.  Thus, it is important to know which revenue code to assign to which supplies.  The items here are a general guideline, it is always recommended that you call the payer to determine the exact revenue code that they are expecting for a particular supply.
  • BCBS requires revenue code 0272
  • NC Medicaid will only pay 0270 and 0271
  • Medicare wound supplies are 0623
For any supplies that are used for Medicare wound care that can also be billed to Medicaid, use 0270.  Using 0623 is a suggestion from Medicare, not a requirement (at this point) and their claims can use 0270, 0271, or 0623 as supply revenue codes.  NC Medicaid will reject any batch of claims that contains revenue code 0623 on any supply item.

Posted Tuesday, July 15, 2008 by