Condition Codes

Condition Codes for a patient (which show on a UB form, for example) are found and changes as follows:
  1. Select the patient.
  2. Click on Referral.
  3. Click the Payers tab.
  4. Click the Extra Billing Info button.
  5. The panel in the upper right shows any dates for which there are extra billing listings for the patient. Check these dates, and look under the condition codes listings.
  6. Change the condition codes as needed.
  7. Click the Save button in the upper middle section of the screen.
  8. Click the Exit button in the upper right.
  9. If you changed the condition codes, you will have to recreate a batch to see the changes reflected.

Read the highlighted box at the top of screen for extra direction.

    Posted Friday, May 09, 2008 by Chris Barnes