OASIS E1 Update Testing Instructions

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OASIS E1 Update Testing Instructions

General Testing Guidelines:

  1. Use patients with the last name OASISC’ for testing. Your database should contain multiple charts to choose from. These patients may be under your active or discharged list.
  2. If multiple Point-of-Care (POC) users are testing, assign each user their own chart.
  3. Verify your software versions:
    • Office: Version 1.2024.1218.0 or later
    • POC: Version 1.2024.1218.1 or later
  4. POC users must synchronize after logging into the updated version.

Office Testing Steps:

  1. Select an OASISC patient and go to the Oasis screen.
  2. Click ‘New’ and set the M0090 date to 1/1/2025.
  3. Choose the Start of Care (SOC) assessment reason.
  4. Complete a typical SOC Oasis.
  5. Repeat these steps for other assessment types.
       Suggested dates for the other Oasis types:
  • Transfer: Add an Oasis dated 1/20/2025 – 1/30/2025 before completing the Resumption.
  • ROC (Resumption of Care): Dated 1/31/2025
  • Recert: Dated 2/28/2025
  • Discharge: Dated 3/1/2025

    Validation Testing Instructions

    1. Run your typical validation process with one exception highlighted below:
      • From the Oasis screen, select the completed Oasis and click Review+Validate.
    2. Accept and proceed through the warning message.
    3. Update the following fields:
      • Provider Data Specification: OASIS Data Submission Specification
      • **Submission Date: Select the M0090 date of your test Oasis.**
    4. Click the Upload Test Assessments button.
    5. Navigate to your Office or POC folder and select the An_OASIS_To_Be_Validated file.
    6. If any items are rejected, save a copy of the report and email it to:

    Point-of-Care Testing Steps:

    1. Select the assigned OASISC chart and navigate to Visits/Assessments.
    2. The following schedules will be preloaded for testing:
      • SOC: Dated 1/1/2025
      • Transfer: Add an Oasis dated 1/20/2025 – 1/30/2025 before completing the Resumption.
      • ROC (Resumption of Care): Dated 1/31/2025
      • Recert: Dated 2/28/2025
      • Discharge: Dated 3/1/2025
    3. The POC user should:
      • Select the Start of Care schedule.
      • Click Start Visit to begin the assessment.

    The new O0350 question is now available in Point-of-Care under:
    Visits/Assessments > Discharge > Pt Medical Hx screen.

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    Last Modified:Wednesday, December 18, 2024

    Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

    Type: HOWTO

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    Article has been viewed 272 times.
