Care Champ - Visit is Complete in App but Not in Office

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Care Champ - Visit is Complete in App but Not in Office

A visit shows as missed or In-Progress in Barnestorm Office but is completed on the aide's Care Champ app.

A1: If this issue is isolated to one visit, or multiple visits for one patient or aide, have the aide select the visit from the app and click on "resend". Do not complete the visit in Office. It can take 30 minutes or so to show up completed in Office. If the resend process is applied after 6 PM then it may not send over to the office until the next day.

This can happen if the device used to clock out does not have a strong cellular signal or no signal at all. 

A2: If this issue is happening for ALL visits and aides during the same time frame then you will want to contact a Barnestorm representative to look into the situation.

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Last Modified:Monday, May 20, 2024

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