Hospice Donations (In Memory Of)

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Hospice Donations (In Memory Of)

To key in Hospice Donations go to Bereavement > Donations.  When the screen opens, you will have the following options:

  • Add Donation – Start your donation entry by entering information into the Donation Card fields:  Name, Address Information, Donation$ and or Donation Non$, Cash/Check information, Check#, Receipt # (agency will assign the receipt#), and any Note you would like to include on the Receipt.


  • Remove Donation – This deletes the selected donation entry.  You will receive a confirmation popup prior to the entry being deleted.  If you wish to proceed with the removal, click Yes.  Otherwise, click No.

  • Choose Columns – Here you will choose which columns you want to appear on the report for the Full List.

  • Print Full List – Report will display all donations, based on the columns you choose above.

  • Print Receipt – Click to preview/print the receipt.

  • Save Donation – Saves the donation entry.  The entry will be displayed at the bottom of screen.  To view or edit the entry, reselect it from the bottom.

  • Set Thank You Reminder – Allows you to generate a reminder message to send a Thank You.  Once the Thank You has been sent, you can complete that as done by checking “Thank You Sent” checkbox.

  • Notice PostedCheck that option once the notice has been posted.

  • Post to A/R – When you click the Post To A/R tab, the Post Donation to Accounts Receivable screen will appear, to allow you to post the payment to AR.  You will need your agency payment code for Donations, as well as the agency Donations Adjustment code to key in each entry.

NOTE:  You can use the Accounts Receivable > Post Payments > Post Paper Remittances option to post general Donations.  


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Last Modified:Monday, December 18, 2023

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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Article has been viewed 341 times.
