BCBS Reminder-Filing Corrected Claims

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BCBS Reminder-Filing Corrected Claims

Please view information from BCBS Article regarding submission of corrected claims.   Please click the link for the full BCBS article:  Corrected Claims Filing Requirements Reminder .

"Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) would like to remind providers that when filing corrected claims, coding guidelines require specific data elements. Claims are only eligible to be considered as corrected claims when they are resubmitted after being previously processed for payment.

Effective 08-01-2023 Blue Cross NC will begin rejecting corrected claims submissions, and these claims will be mailed back regardless of whether the claim was filed electronically or on paper, for the following three scenarios:

1. When the original claim ID number submitted cannot be located in our claims processing system. Resubmit as an original claim or validate the corrected claim you submitted has the correct original claim ID number.

2. When the original claim form type submitted is the incorrect claim form type and needs to be corrected. You must first void the original claim submission and resubmit a new claim using the correct form type i.e., provider submits an original claim on a CMS-1500, the provider must first void the original claim and resubmit a new claim on the correct claim form type using the CMS-1450.

3. Submitting an incorrect claim ID number after a claim has been adjusted. If you submit a corrected claim after a claim has been adjusted more than one time, you must file the most recently assigned claim ID number and not the original claim ID number."

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Last Modified:Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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