14.10 PPS Claims Created Details Report

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14.10 PPS Claims Created Details Report

Go to Reports > Billing > 14.10 PPS Claims Created Detail.  You can also go to Billing > Reports > 14.10 RAP/EOE Sent For Selected Dates.  

How To Run The Report
  • From/Thru DatesThe starting date billed and ending date billed
  • Program(s)/Payer(s) = Enter a program number(s)/payer number(s), or leave blank to search all
  • Medicare Only = Search for only Medicare patients
  • Non-Medicare Only = Search for only non-Medicare PPS patients; Select Both to search all
  • RAP/NOA = Search for RAP/NOA(s) billed only
  • EOE = Search for EOEs billed only; Select Both to search all

Print By Options:  You can print by Claim Date or by Payer, Patient

How to Read the Report
  • Clm Date/Serial/Typ= The date/transmission# of the batch created; claim type
  • Chart#/Patient's Name/Pg/Pyr/Tm = The patient's name, chart#, program/payer, and team number
  • FromDate/ThruDate = The from/thru date of the episode
  • M0090 Dt/RFA = The M0090 Date entered in the OASIS; and the Reason for Assessment (01=SOC OASIS; 04=Recert OASIS)
  • AB = The letter assigned to the episode (A=1st 30-day; B=2nd 30-day)
  • HIPPS/$Amount = The HIPPS and $Amount generated from the OASIS
  • HIC Number = The patient's insurance ID number
  • St = The status of the claim (Pd=Paid; PL=Paid(Lupa); Blank=not paid )

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Last Modified:Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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