No Visits Made During Episode, How Do I Cancel the...

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No Visits Made During Episode, How Do I Cancel the Episode/Resolve the Account?

These steps should be used in cases where there is an episode, and no visits were provided during the episode.  This is commonly the case if the patient has been admitted but is only seen every 2 months such as for injections.

Here are the steps to mark the episode as "Cancelled," removing it from your active billing list.  This process will also update the AR screen, by marking the account as "RAP cancelled, No Visits" settling the account to $0.  

  • Go to Billing > PPS Billing > Edit PPS Episodes
  • Key in the patient name or chart# and select the episode.  (It should be marked as "Episode Has No Visits."

  • Click the Episode Has No Chargeable Visits button.  

  • This will change the Reason(s) For Not Receiving Full Payment section to "No Visits, " and change the episode status to "Paid, No Visits."  Click OK to the popup.

The EOE Date Paid field will display the current days date; the episode is marked as "Cancelled;" and the episode is now removed from PPS Tracking where it will no longer show up for billing.  (**Paid = The episode has a zero balance, and no further payment is expected.")

This process also updates the AR.  The account will now show a $0 balance.  The account is marked as "RAP Cancelled, No Visits."

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Last Modified:Wednesday, May 17, 2023

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