Updated Select Patient Screen

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Updated Select Patient Screen


Searching for patients
Viewing options: Patients by LastName, Patients by FirstName, Patients by Name, Patients by Chart.
Note the Patients by Name will search both first and last name. 

Search for patient by chart
Use the Patient field to enter the six digit chart number. There's no need to select Active or Discharge.

View All Active Patients
Viewing = Patients by LastName. You may need to change the Show to 500.

Recent Orders / Pending Orders / Recent CCNS
Viewing = select one of the options.  Select the number of rows to return in the Show field. You can click a row to pull it up in a preview. 

Add Patient Photo
Click the edit icon within the photo are (looks like a pencil). Locate the photo of the patient and double click on it. Click on Open. The photo will appear next to the patient information window box. 

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Last Modified:Monday, October 24, 2022

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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