Telephony - Using Telephony

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Telephony - Using Telephony

It is recommended that the call be placed directly from the patient's phone. The phone number called from should be the one listed on the Referral. 

Calling from the caregivers phone is a backup method that should only be used in rare cases. We do offer reports to audit if telephony is used with the patient or caregiver phone. 

Start Visit: Patient’s Phone
When you arrive at the patient home,
use the patient’s phone to call your telephony number.
You DO NOT have to press 1 to start the visit—it will just start.

Complete your tasks.

Finish Visit: Patient’s Phone
When you finish and are ready to leave, use the patient’s phone again to call.
The visit will complete.
You’re done!
If there were tasks you could not complete, call the office now.

Start Visit: Your Phone
When you arrive at the patient home,
call your telephony number.
If you have more than 1 visit today, select which one you’re doing. 
The visit will start.

Complete your tasks.

Finish Visit: Your Phone
When you finish and are ready to leave, call your telephony number again.
You do not have to answer questions about tasks, the visit will complete.
If there were tasks you could not complete, call the office now.

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Last Modified:Tuesday, December 24, 2024

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