Export Visits from Sandata Aggregator

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Export Visits from Sandata Aggregator

Note: if you use Barnestorm EVV, you do not need to do this process--your visits are already in Barnestorm.

1. Log into Sandata Aggregator (this is NOT the same as Sandata EVV--see how the portal is labeled Aggregator in the upper left on the image below--if it says EVV instead of Aggregator, you're on the wrong site).
2. Here's the link to the Aggregator login:
3. Select your entity. Bear in mind that this report only pulls for one entity at a time, so if you have multiple, you will need to repeat this process for each entity ID.
4. Select the date range of visits.
5. Make sure to select All Visits--this is not selected by default, you MUST change it.
6. Make sure the number of visits is what you expected. If not, go back over the steps above or call Sandata.
7. Export to Excel and save the csv file to your computer in the C:\Barnestorm\Office folder. Make sure the file exported has as many rows as step 5 shows. If not, go back over the steps above or call Sandata.

If this doesn't work, key in the visit charges, making sure to use the exact start & end times in Sandata.

Barnestorm does not maintain training for Sandata processes, so if this process changes or is not as written/shown, please contact Sandata (Barnestorm is not responsible for Sandata processes, content, or support). 


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Last Modified:Monday, November 07, 2022

Last Modified By: christine@barnestorm.com


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