EVV - Adding New Employees

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EVV - Adding New Employees

You can add new employees as you key in the referral/patient information or from Codes > Other Basic Codes > Employees.  On the Employees tab of the Referral you can click on New Employee.

1. Click on Add A New Employee button and select a code from the list.
2. Enter at least the minimum required employee information and click on Save.

Required fields:  the correct spelling of the employee’s name, cell phone, Program, Job Code (select the job code the employee usually gets charged as), Rev Code (nurse = 0550, aide must be 0570 or 0599 to work with EVV), SSN, Gender for some MCO's, and Date Hired.  The rest is optional, but we suggest also tracking the date hired.
The primary email address can be left blank to autogenerate an email address. You can add personal or business email in the second email field.
  • Do not include additional pieces of information into the employee name.  *Characters allowed: A-Z ‘ . – space 
  • Use the area code with their phone number.
  • Correct Rev Code must be used (see required fields) 
Point-of-Care Users (not for CAP/PCS EVV Users): 
The best way to be EVV compliant is to mark the app status as POC. This will use the device's location service to add the GPS coordinates to the starting and ending time.
The machine itself will need to have the location service enabled in order for it to work. 

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Last Modified:Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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