EVV - Employee Compliance Report 17.37

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EVV - Employee Compliance Report 17.37

EVV Employee Compliance Report: 17.37

EVV Compliance means that the aide completed the visit electronically using either EVV GPS app at the patient home or telephony at the beginning and end of the visit. Compliance of your staff is important because it means that those visits were done with EVV according to specifications. Billing must match EVV, and EVV compliance is essential to get all of your billing if visits that are not done with EVV will not be paid by the payer.

To use the EVV Compliance report, choose your timeframe to find out the exact percentage of compliance level for each of your staff. We recommend running for one or two weeks previous to today so you can get a picture of which staff need remediation in order to get them to comply with EVV. 

NOTE: For live-in employees not required to use EVV, the job code used on the EVV Visit must be assigned Place of Service = 99 to excluded from this report. Each agency is different, but job code 121 is typically used for Live-In Aides. 

Utilize the EVV Employee Compliance Summary to track compliance statistics for employees utilizing EVV. You have the flexibility to generate this report as frequently as needed. Its purpose is to support providers still striving for 100% compliance across all employees.

EVV Employee Compliance Summary = Shows employees and the compliance rate for the time frame. 
EVV Pre-Billing Audit = Shows all scheduled visits with the status of approved, error, cancelled or missed. Also includes a description of the type of visit, ie. telephony, GPS, manual.
EVV Details AuditThis report option will show cancelled, incomplete, missed or the reason visits are edited. It will exclude approved visits. 

All Payers That Require EVV = When checked it will only include payers that need sent to an aggregator. This will exclude payers like private pay. 
Print All PHP EVV Pending Visits = Prints PHP visits not imported through HHAeXchange or CareBridge yet. 
Print All Sandata EVV Pending Visits = Prints visits that show up with EVV Status Pending. 

When Time In or Out Edited, Count as Compliant = Includes OK GPS, OK Telephony and EVV Error Edited towards the percentage OK count. 

Report content and how to read:

Header      Meaning    What you need to do 
# of Pats Quantity of patients scheduled over timeframe  
#Scheduled Quantity of visits scheduled over timeframe Note this is the total number scheduled.
OK GPS Number of visits that were done in EVV app that had GPS on.
Both clock in and out GPS coordinates found.
Import & bill visits.
OK Telephony Quantity of telephony visits that were EVV.
Both clock in and out phone number found. 
Import & bill visits.
NoChrg or Cancelled No Charge and Cancelled visits.  Visits that are less than 8 minutes. 
These do not count towards any other column.
Nothing--these do not count toward percentages.
Missed  Quantity of visits missed Contact the aide to find out why they missed.
If there is an issue preventing them from making
visits with EVV, solve the problem.*
EVV Error Edited  Quantity of visits that office staff have edited. 
For Error GPS and Error Telephony, it looks through
the edit history to see if an office staff edited the time in or out. 
You can alter future schedules as needed to make up for time missed.
Manual Visits that are not marked as Telephony, and there are no
GPS coordinates, then it's counted as manual.
**This includes any visits where the location service is turned off
and does not capture a GPS. 
Have the aide reset the location service on their phone.
EVV - Visits Show No GPS for Completed Care Champ (Care Champ, EVV, GPS) (barnestorm.biz)
Early Quantity of visits with early clock out.  You can alter future schedules as needed to make up for time missed.
Error GPS Start GPS found but not the end, or end GPS found but not the start;
if the office staff edited the time to complete the assessment, then it is also counted as Edited
 Contact aide and remind that they can only start and finish the visit at the patient home.
Error Telephony Start Telephony found but not the end, or end Telephony found but not the start;
if the office staff edited the time to complete the assessment, then it is also counted as Edited
 Document why patient phone is not being used for audit purposes,
or add number to chart if valid. If aide is forgetting to clock out
OK% % of compliance for this time period.

When the "Edited Count as Compliant" is checked = OK GPS and 

OK Telephony and EVV Error Edited are counted as OK.

When "Edited Count as Compliant" is NOT checked = OK GPS 

and OK Telephony are counted as OK. 

 If aide's compliance is low, find out why and solve the problem.

* How to solve EVV issues: use the EVV Administrator Guide

We calculate compliance by comparing the number of scheduled visits to the number completed with EVV. If a patient has extra visits scheduled because aides rotate on weekends (for example), you can clean that up by removing extraneous visits from the schedule.

In the example report below, the employees at the top have 0% compliance, meaning that they are not using EVV at all.
The employees at the bottom of the report have 100% compliance, meaning they used EVV for all their visits and completed all scheduled visits.

In the Totals under OK %, you see the total average compliance level for all employees on the list.

EVV Pre-Billing Audit Report: 17.37

If you just want to find problems that might affect billing, you can check "Skip EVV Verified, Missed and Cancelled". 
You can also uncheck Show Early Clock out and EVV flagged.

Run this report after EVV Visits have been cleaned up but before you import visits for billing.

Error Message
PAYER NOT FOR REV CODE - check the employees code setup to make sure 0570 or 0599 is used for the revenue code.  Update the code, save the employee, then try to send the visits from the EVV Visits screen.

EVV Details Audit 

This report option will show cancelled, incomplete, missed or the reason visits are edited.

Some of the audit entries look for:

  • Clocking in and/or out without a GPS (includes both app and manual entries)
  • Clocking in or out without using telephony
  • EVV Flagged visits
  • Schedules visits marked as Missed
  • Visits cancelled

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Last Modified:Monday, June 10, 2024

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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