17.36 Print Aide Plan Audits

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17.36 Print Aide Plan Audits

Reports > Audit > 17.36 Aide Plan Audits 

Detailed Report - Basic information for each active patient's care plan; including the plan's from and thru date and the authorized hours. 

Aide Plan vs Authorization Mismatches - Shows issues between the aide care plan and authorization hours. 
Troubleshooting Tips: 
Make sure there is an active or existing authorization under Patient Histories > Authorizations. 
Make sure there is an active or existing Aide Care Plan
Verify that the schedule was generated from the Aide Care Plan, Aide Activity > Aide Schedule (pull up the patient). 
Make sure the program/payer on the authorization matches the Referral and Aide Care Plan

Payer vs Job Code Mismatches - For CAP/PCS patients the job code typically matches the payer code to ensure the correct HPCPS and modifier is being used for billing. We have a global setting that defaults the codes to match on the aide care plan.  This report will show which plans do not have matching payer and job codes. 

Aide Plans Payers Invalid/Missing - Check to make sure the aide care plan has complete and accurate payer and job codes.  If not, edit the care plan to add this information and recreate the schedules to update those as well. 

Active Patients With No Aide Plan - Pulls patients who are marked as active but does not have an aide care plan yet. For patients that have expiring aide plans, they will only be included if plan has expired and there was a visit done after the expiring thru date. 

Check EVV Sched vs Actual Time - Compares the starting/ending times (and total hours) between the aide care plan and the scheduled entry, to the actual visit time.  The Diff column shows the difference between the scheduled and reported hours. You'll have the option to view all scheduled items or just the ones not within 7 minutes. *Note: the "Scheduled for" time and total hours will reflect any manual adjusted times. These times will show up in the app for the aide.  
Print Times as hh:mm with no AM/PM: Prints the standard time with no AM or PM
Compressed Columns:  Shortens the character space for patient and aide name and removes the payer description to add more room and make printing larger. Printing in landscape will help with larger font size. 

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Last Modified:Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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