Electronic Visit Verification in North Carolina with SanData

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Electronic Visit Verification in North Carolina with SanData

According to NC DHHS, Sandata has been chosen as the EVV vendor in North Carolina as of September 24, 2020 (see link below).

Barnestorm is already integrated with SanData, since it has been the implemented EVV vendor in other states with Barnestorm customers since 2018. 

Barnestorm Sandata integration allows you to use Sandata equipment and systems to complete electronic visit verification in the field. 

Once the visits in the field are completed for the day (or week), Barnestorm has an integration system that will:
  • Find visits scheduled that were completed at a different time and modify the scheduled visit time to match the actual visit completed with Sandata to the minute.
  • Find visits made with SanData that were not scheduled in Barnestorm and provide a list of them so you can check the timesheets to verify the visit and add it to billing.
  • Continue to bill all of your visits the same as usual with Barnestorm, with the assurance that they match Sandata times and will not be denied to to time mismatch.
  • Electronically bill as usual in Barnestorm with your direct connection to NC Tracks.
Barnestorm also has its own EVV app, CareChamp, as well, so there are two options for integration to meet the EVV requirement. The table below will help you make that choice.
  Sandata  CareChamp  Both Sandata & CareChamp 
Aide Task List for the Day  no  yes  yes 
Note which tasks were not performed and reason no   yes  yes 
Create a timestamped visit note that can be printed  no  yes  yes 
Map back to nurse-created aide care plan  no  yes  yes 
Track multiple aides seeing the same patient  yes  yes yes 
How charges get mapped to visits manual  Barnestorm maps  Barnestorm maps 
How to do your billing key in NC Tracks  Barnestorm   Barnestorm  
Report on visits completed versus authorized none  Barnestorm    Barnestorm   
Device Purchase Responsibility* Sandata*   Provider Sandata* (depends on NC DHHS ruling) 
Electronic Visit Verification Method Digital by Device GPS Locator  Digital by Device

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Last Modified:Friday, October 02, 2020

Last Modified By: christine@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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