Barnestorm Office Automatic Log Out

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Barnestorm Office Automatic Log Out

Security is an ongoing process when it comes to online software applications. Protecting sensitive client data is a critical factor with health systems, and one way to protect client data is an automatic inactivity logout. 

If Barnestorm Office is inactive for an hour, it will automatically and securely close. When this happens, the login screen will refresh with your user ID pre-filled. After you enter your password and log in, you will be returned to the same patient or page you were viewing when the software logged out.

Before Barnestorm automatically closes, a warning will display with a countdown. To cancel the automatic logout and reset the timer, simply click anywhere within Barnestorm.

Please note that this change only affects users of the Barnestorm Office application. It does not apply to Point-of-Care or field app users.

You can change the timeout time by clicking the blue "i" information icon at the top of your task bar.  Change the Timeout number (minutes) and click on Ok. 

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Last Modified:Wednesday, June 12, 2024

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