PDGM Readmit or Resumption Calculator

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PDGM Readmit or Resumption Calculator

We published a way for you to determine whether to readmit or continue the episode to generate the highest possible revenue on an episode.  This is based on CMS specifications.

If a hospital calls and says your patient will be discharged tomorrow, your intake staff can fill in the through date on the facility stay entry, then click on the PDGM Details tab to see whether they should resume or discharge and readmit the patient.

An example is shown below:

The PDGM Details tab will give you a breakdown of the current episode details and show whether the best choice following a hospital stay should be a Resumption of Care or a Discharge and Readmit. The data pulled will be based on the most recent hospital facility stay under the Facility History screen for the 30-day period it is in. 

This function will only show in Barnestorm Office (excludes Point of Care) 


Calculation will only work for the following:

  • Payers that use the PDGM 30-day rules 
  • The patient must have a facility history entry with facility type "Hospital" within the episode
  • There must be at least one chargeable visit
  • The current episode must have a HIPPs code calculated in the PPS Tracking


The overview of the episode will include:

  • The episode dates with the HIPPs code
  • The most recent hospital stay with dates
  • The 14-day window time frame
  • Stating whether or not the hospital stay ends outside of the 14 day window or not
  • Calculates the LUPA Limit and shows how many visits have been done so far


The bottom of the screen tells you the current primary ICD code, description and clinical group.  You can key in the new primary ICD after resuming patient to see whether the best choice is to do a resumption of care or discharge and readmit. 

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Last Modified:Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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