Barnestorm COVID-19 Measures

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Barnestorm COVID-19 Measures

COVID-19 Important Info Links

COVID-19 Patient Screening

We know that these are difficult times for everyone, but especially for those in health care. Thank you for all you do for your community!

In addition to making sure ICD codes are available for COVID-19 documentation, Barnestorm has added a quick and easy way for you to document patient screening for COVID-19.

The COVID-19 screening wording has been added as a T-box code (this can be modified to meet your procedures as needed). You can use this new T-box code in visit notes, orders, and CCNs. 

Most customers are performing COVID-19 patient screening by phone. To document this screening and its results, you would use a Care Coordination Note (CCN) in Barnestorm. We also added a new CCN topic of COVID-19 for each customer so that you can organize and report on these screening notes.

Here is a link to a YouTube video on how to use Care Coordination Notes in Barnestorm:

If you have any questions, or would like a demonstration of documenting the screening, please start a chat and our technicians will assist you.

COVID-19 Work From Home Measures

In addition to other measures Barnestorm has added to the system to document care of COVID-19 patients, we are also offering agencies the option to allow office staff to work from home. There are two ways to accomplish this, and they depend on the device the staff member has available:

If the staff member has a PC at home, we will install Barnestorm office if they start a chat using this link:

If the staff member has a device other than a PC at home, we are offering a web-based access system with 4 extra security layers. We will need permission from the director or office manager to use this--please contact Christine at

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Last Modified:Thursday, April 16, 2020

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