Employee Schedule Security Settings

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Employee Schedule Security Settings

The graph below is the permission level for the Schedule Calendar.  We reassessed the rules for each setting and decided to make a few changes due to the Medicare PDGM in 2020. These changes are likely to impact your current settings.  We advise you to review each employee setting and modify them as needed. These permission levels should only be modified by your office admin. 

You can print a report with your active employees and their current schedule status from; Reports > Misc > 21.96 Employee Security Settings. You may need to Download New Reports first.

The information mentioned below can be found in Barnestorm Office > Admin > Employee Security > Time/Charges > There is a section for Schedules.  

None:  View your own schedule, Hide other employee schedules 
View:  View your own schedule, View only employees (no changes can be made)
Change:  View and Edit your own schedule, View only other employees 
Add:  View, Edit, Add your own schedules, View only other employees 
Add/Change Other Empl:  View, Edit, Add your own schedules, View, Edit, Add other employees
Delete:  Unlimited permission, includes being able to remove schedules for all

Use the Menu Exclusions tab if you wish for the Schedule Calendar to not appear at all for an employee.

Other permission level to consider
The Special Permissions tab has an option to hide the Case Load tab from the Schedule Calendar.  This screen shows each employee and the number of schedules assigned daily.

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Last Modified:Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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