Validate OASIS iQIES

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Validate OASIS iQIES

As of January 2020, for the OASIS D1, CMS has eliminated the online validation tool that was used to validate OASIS. Because that tool is no longer available, the validation process in Barnestorm had to change. CMS is now providing a page to upload an XML file of your OASIS answers to check for errors.

You'll have two options for the validation process in Barnestorm.  Although it does require a few more key strokes, we highly recommend using the iQIES to review your data. Both ways can be done once the OASIS data has been collected and reviewed by your office.  

Here is a link to the YouTube video that shows OASIS Validation using iQIES from Barnestorm:

You will use the same Review + Validate button as the previous process.

Using iQIES to validate your OASIS record

  • The first pop up on the web page will be the security notice - click on Accept and Proceed 
  • Select the Provider Data Specification M0090 dated 1/1/2020 and after are 2.31.0 (or higher)
  • Click on Upload Test Assessments button
  • Browse to C:\Barnestorm\Office if you are using Barnestorm Office or C:\Barnestorm\POC if you are using Point of Care, and select or double click the file An_OASIS_To_Be_Validated. The folder location may stayed saved for the next time you validate an OASIS.  If you switch back and forth from Office to POC then you will need to switch the location as well.
  • Once you have uploaded your XML document, a record will generate with Record Accepted or Record Rejected and a list of errors
  • If record was rejected: Go back to the Barnestorm software and click on Cancel. Make necessary changes and repeat the validation process.
  • If record was accepted: Go back to the Barnestorm software and click on OK to indicate the OASIS was validated without errors. Verify a HIPPs code is showing up (if applicable) and click on the Lock button. 

Important Note: You'll need to upload the OASIS document right away.  Each time you select the Validate button it will override the XML document with the most recent OASIS you have selected.

Opting not to use the validation tool
  • This process will only look for errors using Barnestorm ques (which also works when using the iQIES). 
  • If errors found: A pop up will appear letting you know what the issue is. Ie. missing or invalid answers. Correct the errors using your agency's procedure.  Then select the Review + Validate button.
  • If no errors found: Once you click on the Review + Valdiate button your OASIS will automatically become Locked. 

Questions and Answers

Q: How do I find the XML file to validate - if it does not default to C:\Barnestorm\Office
A: When the File Explorer opens (after clicking on Validate Assessments from iQIES portal) select This PC from the left panel, double click on the C: drive (might read as OS (C:)), double click on the Barnestorm folder.  The XML file An_OASIS_To_Be_Validated will show up in this folder. 

Q: My OASIS validation is using the old method instead of the new, why?
A: The OASIS D will continue to validate using the old way and the OASIS D1 will use the new validation portal. 

Q: The file I just validated is not the last patient I reviewed.
A:  It is important to understand that this file will overwrite each time you click on the Review+Validate button.  So you'll need to use the iQIES portal to validate right away.  

Q: How do I export my OASIS now?
A: The Barnestorm side of exporting OASIS has not changed.  You will continue with the current Barnestorm export process.  Here is the Barnestorm KB article on how to export an OASIS: click here.

Q: How do I get the feedback report?
A: The feedback report process has changed as well, but Barnestorm does not have the change info for that, so you will have to contact CMS to find out the new process. 

Q: Can I lock my OASIS if the primary ICD is not in a clinical group?
A: Any claim that requires a HIPPs code must have the primary ICD assigned to a clinical group. You will receive warnings in different areas/at different time points if one is not assigned.

Q: I keep getting an error message to select the correct file format.
A:  This may be from using an older version of Internet Explorer.  Versions below IE 11 are not supported. 

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Last Modified:Wednesday, September 23, 2020

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