Change Healthcare for Veteran's Claims

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Change Healthcare for Veteran's Claims

Barnestorm has a Claims Builder monthly service that allows you to key visits into Barnestorm the way you normally would, and then build a billing claim for VA patients that you can upload to the Change Healthcare portal. There is a monthly charge for this service, and we will need to turn it on for you to use it.

Here is the process as we understand it from Change Healthcare, but we do not support their portal or system, so please check with them for the correct instructions.

If Barnestorm creates the standard format electronic billing file can you upload that to the portal?
Yes, Change Healthcare can set the “Communication Type” to Portal – to allow you to upload the claim file/s via the RPA Portal. The claims would not be visible in the Change Healthcare Portal immediately as the file/s have to process through the data and payer/s edits on the back end.

There is a Video in Change Healthcare Learning Center.
Here is how to access the Learning Center:
  • Sign in to the Revenue Performance portal.  using the user name and password that was previously sent.
  • Click the Learning Center link at the top right of the screen just above your name.
  • The Welcome to Change Healthcare Learning Center screen is displayed
  • Click View videos by Revenue Performance Menu
  • A list expands
  • Click Claims and Tracking
  • The Video entitled “Upload Claim File” - This video shows you how to upload and review a batch of claims.
To download the remittance to be imported into Barnestorm:
ERA's: On the RPA Portal - users will access:
Payments and Billing.

Reports: On the RPA Portal - users will access:
Claims and Tracking
Then, Find Claims and Find Claim batches - – This is then exported with or without the messages to Excel or CSV Format

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Last Modified:Wednesday, December 21, 2022

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