Creating A New Program

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Creating A New Program

To create a new Program, go to Barnestorm Office > Codes > Program Related Codes > Program Codes.

Programs Data - Part 1
a.  Select a Code:  Select the next available code from the column on the far left, under UNUSED.
b.  Program Description:  Type in your Program Description.
c.  Agency Info:  Fill in the next several fields related to your Agency Info: address, phone number, fax, email etc.
d.  Statement Head 1-5:  Type in the address you want to appear on the invoice/statements.
e.  Statement Trailer 1-4: You have the option to type in the information you want to appear on the trailer of the statement.

On the right side are additional fields to complete.  

f.  First Day of the Week: If your agency wants Sunday to be the first day of the week, you would enter 0; Monday you would enter 1; Tuesday you would enter 2 etc, up to Saturday, you would enter 6.
g.  Use Military Time:  Type in Y or N for military time, if you prefer to enter military time when keying in visits.
h.  # of days in a time sheet:  Type 7 if you want the full week to appear on the time sheet; Type 5 if you want only the work week.
i.  Supplies Price/Cost Markup Factor:  Type in your agency's markup for supplies.
i.  First month of Fiscal Year (1-12):  Type 07 if you want July to be the start of your Fiscal Year.  Type 01 if you want January to be the start of FY.
j.  Hospice Assessment HIS Data:  Fill in your Submission ID, Facility NPI and Facility CMS Cert#.  If you are not a Hospice agency, the Hospice fields will be blank.
k.  Press Save.

**If you already have a program set up, some items will fill in by default.  Make any necessary changes.

Programs Data - Part 2
a.  Verbal Order Title - Type in the title you want to appear on each order.
b.  FYI Order Title - Type in the title you want to appear on each FYI order.
c.  Verbal Order Footer - Type in the statement you want to appear on the footer.  This can be left blank.
d.  FYI Order Footer - Type in the statement you want to appear on the FYI footer.  This can be left blank.
e.  Copy Feature:  There are also COPY features on the right side.  Choose any options you would like to copy over for each readmit.
f.  On the far right hand-side are checkbox options to display (in the referral) when readmitting a patient.  All are checked by default.  

Copy Codes to a New Program
Use this option when you want to copy all the codes from an old (established) program to the new program. If you prefer this option, you will not need to complete the steps above.  You can go directly to the Copy Codes to a New Program tab.  But you will need to grab the unused code#.
a.  Put in the code of the program to be copied from.
b.  Put in the code of the program to be copied to.
c.  Put in the new program description.
d.  Click Create the New Program Code button
e.  A list of tabs will appear.
f.  Click the Copy the Payers from xx to xx button
g. Click the Copy the HIPAA Payer Setup from xx to xx button
h. Click the Copy the Job Codes from xx to xx button
i.  Click the Copy the Visit Status Codes from xx to xx button
j.  Click the Copy the Pay/Adj Codes from xx to xx button
k.  Click the Copy the Nonvisit Time Codes from xx to xx button

**Clicking each tab will copy that data to the new program.  

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Last Modified:Friday, April 08, 2022

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