New Value Code 85

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New Value Code 85

The following is an excerpt from the MLN Matters Number: MM10782

Medicare requested that the NationalUniform Billing Committee create a new code to meet this requirement. This new value codeMLN Matters MM10782 Related CR 10782Page 2 of 385 is effective on January 1, 2019, and is defined as “County Where Service is Rendered” andproviders should report the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) State and CountyCode of the place of residence where the home health service is delivered.

You can click on the link above to read the full article. 

Barnestorm will automatically apply the value code 85 with the FIPS code to all Medicare RAP/EOE billing (billing format B on the Payers screen).  The FIPS can be located in Barnestorm Office > Codes > Other Basic Codes > County Codes > Print Codes. 

I have a nonMedicare payer that is requiring the Value Code 85 on the claim, how do I put it in?
1.  Go to Billing > HIPAA Transactions
2.  Select Edit HIPAA Payers
3.  Select the payer from the listing on the left
4.  On the right, at the "Send Code 85 FIPS" field, select Y for Yes  
5.  Click Save

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Last Modified:Monday, April 24, 2023

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