Order Builder

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Order Builder

The Order Builder enables the selection of specific parts of a patient's records to be included in an order, allowing for customized content. Additionally, you can preset content for various types of orders, such as discharge or transfer, ensuring consistency.

When you select a Type from the drop-down list, one of two things will happen; it will either open up the Customizeorder content tab or it will insert the time stamp and text item text (if applicable). 

Category Type: Discipline, Labs, IV, Injections, Feeding, DME, Supplies, Face to Face, and any other customize Typecreated by your agency, these will pull the current time stamp and then any Text Item assigned to them. 

The Text Itemtext is assigned in the Global Settings > Orders > 0616 – 0634.If the Customize order content window opens from selecting a Type, then it will auto-select items based on the globalsettings 0643 – 0649. You can uncheck or check items, as needed, or change the global setting items (see the end of thisarticle for more details).

Order Builder Options
Time Frame – Last 60 days, Last 90 days, Last 30 days, Since Last Visit, All Since Admit.Some of the data pulled will look at the time frame selected and only pull data based on these dates. Data includes AideServices, PT/INR, Care Plan, Facility History, Disciplines Involved, Summary of Care to date. 
Current Diagnoses and Current Medications does just that, pulls the most recent entries. 
Med Interactions will insert the same information from the Med History > Print Med Sheets > Interactions. 
Med Changes works with the Changes Since date. This has replaced the Medication category in the drop downlist. When medication changes are completed in the med history screen, you can pull the changes into an order withouthaving to retype the information. 
Recert pulls the phrase “-----Recert Orders-----” with the next recert period due. 
All Orders/Goals pulls box 21 and 22 from all 485s created. 
Most Recent Order/Goal pulls box 21 and 22 from the most recent 485. Optional: Use upcoming 485 to pull infofrom recert episode you’re working on. 
Cognitive Status, Psychosocial Status, Education and Training, Homebound Status These pullfrom the assessment. Below these buttons is a drop down list for the time frame to select from. 
Parameters for notifying physician You can setup patient specific parameters instead of using the agenciesgeneral parameters. If a patient has specific parameters, you can receive a warning message within the vital signs screenof the visit assessment when a vital sign outside of the parameter is entered. A pop up box with the patients doctorinformation will appear. This information will copy over to the Referral > Directives screen. 
--Select a Wound--allows you to select an active wound and pulls the most recent documentation from theassessment. 
Time Stamp Order Pulls the current date and time when you click on “Create Order” from the Customize ordercontent screen. Also includes the case manger listed on the Referral > Employees screen. 
Add Admission Date Pulls a phrase “Patient was admitted to Home Health on [admit date] 
Add Disciplines Involved shows the disciplines involved and how many visits have been completed, including thefirst and last visit date for the time frame selected. 
Summary of Care to date Pulls the 60 Day Summary information for the time frame selected. 
Add Follow up Plan Text that comes from either Global Setting > Orders > 0601 (Home Health) or 0603 (Hospice
Add Xfer Summary Adds the phrase “Patient will be transferred on ___/___/___ to” 
Add D/C Summary Pulls a phrase with the patient’s discharge date and reason from the Referral > Payers screen.  

Codes > Security > Global Setting > Orders, 0643 – 0649: You decide what pieces should be checked or pulled by defaultfor each order type. Separate the item description with a pipe.An example of the global setting setup, including the pipe to separate the key phrases:TimeStamp|AdvancedDir|XferTxt|CurrentICD|MedHistory|Allergies 

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Last Modified:Thursday, June 13, 2024

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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