22.08 Pts With Multiple Payer Visit

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22.08 Pts With Multiple Payer Visit

This report pulls patient's the have more than one payer with visit charges.  This report does exclude payers with a payclass C, D and E.

How to Run the Report
Starting / Ending Date = Visit Date
ProgramFilter report by entering program code assigned to the visit.Or leave blank to select all.

How to Read the Report
PPS = Shows Yes or No if it is a PPS payer.  If the same chart has two PPS payer charges, that's an issue.  A chart can only have one PPS payer.  Review the chart and see if a new chart number needs created. 
MinDate and MaxDate = The date range of visits for the payer
HowMany = The number of visits keyed between the min and max dates

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Last Modified:Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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