485 Box 26 Text Option

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485 Box 26 Text Option

Your Agency's "485 Box 26 Text options" can be found at the following location in Barnestorm Office:
a.  Click Codes tab from the Main Menu
b.  Click Status Codes
c.  Click Box 26 Text options
d.  There are 5 slots available for text.  Click the radio bullets to view those text options (1-5).  You can Add/Edit text options, as needed.  Press Save.

How Do I Set a "Text Option" to my 485?
This is set up through the Payer option, under Codes > Program Related Codes > Payer Codes
a.  Pull up the payer for the 485
b.  At "485 Box 26 Text Option" select the Code option you prefer.  If you want to view those Text Options again, click "Show Box 26 Text" button.
c.  Press Save.  The selected text will appear on your 485.

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Last Modified:Monday, December 30, 2019

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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Article has been viewed 2,562 times.
