08.29 Print FYI Orders for Consulting Doctors

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08.29 Print FYI Orders for Consulting Doctors

The following feature allows you to easily create FYI orders for consulting doctors, once the order has been marked as returned in Barnestorm. 

From Barnestorm Office > Reports > Doctor > 08.29 Create FYI Orders for cc Docs 

This report will select all orders issued on or after the new CoP's started on 1/13/2018, and identify all doctors who have issued at least one order or changed one or more medication during the last 120 days and after the patient's Start of Care date.  

The From/Thru dates are used to select orders that were returned during those dates that have NOT yet been forwarded thru this FYI process (this eliminate duplicate FYI orders).

After you run the report, a new option will become visible, to Create FYI Orders for all other physicians involved in the patient's care.  

These new orders will then be available on the Mailings screen to be sent to those physicians.  Note that once you mail the FYI order it will automatically be marked as returned, since it is an FYI order. 

If your agency uses the Co-Sign Orders feature, these new FYI orders will not appear for co-sign. 

Other Option to generate an FYI order for a doctor:
  • From the Mailings > Mail Orders screen, select the order you need to assign to a consulting doctor
  • Click on Print for Different Dr
  • Search for and select the doctor you need to print a communication FYI order for
  • Click on Print and then Close 
  • Note: This will not generate a separate FYI but will be a communication note instead 

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Last Modified:Friday, June 05, 2020

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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