02.15 Employee Visit Summary

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02.15 Employee Visit Summary

How to Run the Report

From Barnestorm Office click on Reports > Employee > 02.15 Employee Visit Summary.  This report will display summary of visit (counts), including Case Loads.

  • From/Thru= Enter your desired From and Thru date range.  
  • Program / Payer / Team / Employee = Enter code number(s), or leave blank to include All.
  • Exclude Hospice PerDiem Charges (Visit Status Code 065) = Click this box to exclude Per Diem Charges. 

How to Read the Report

  • Employee = Employee Number and Name.
  • Tm = Employee Team Number.
  • Non-Chargeable Hours and Visits = Total counts for non-chargeable hours and visits.
  • Chargeable Hours and Visits = Total counts for chargeable hours and visits.
  • Chg+Non-Chg Hours and Visits = Combination counts for non-chargeable  and chargeable hours and visits.
  • Days = Number of Days worked.
  • Miles = Total Miles (If you need to verify mileage, use Report under Codes > Reports > Employees -02.08 Mileage Reimbursement)
  • Visits/Day = Average visits per day.
  • Min/Visit = Average minutes per visit. 
  • CaseLoad = Patient Case Load.  Note:  For the patient to be counted as part of your Case Load, you will need to be assigned as Case Manager to that patient.  For instructions on how to put in a Case Manager, click here.
  • # Pts Visited = Number of Patient Visited.

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Last Modified:Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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