22.07 Funeral Homes by Case Manager

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22.07 Funeral Homes by Case Manager

Print a report of assigned funeral homes to active patients. This report will print by case manager, then by funeral home code, then by patient last name. 

  • Go to Reports > Patient > 22.07 Funeral Homes by Case Manager
  • Click on Print the Report to print an active list of patients
  • If the report does not show up then click on the Download New Reports and try again 

The location of the assigned funeral home is on the Referrals > Dr + Pharmacy tab.  You can print a list of funeral homes by selecting the edit icon next to the Funeral Home field.  A Manage Funeral Homes pop up box will appear, click on Print Codes

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Last Modified:Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 1,770 times.
