Enter Hospice Per Diem Charges

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Enter Hospice Per Diem Charges

To enter Hospice Per Diem Charges, go to:

a.  Billing> Other > Enter Hospice Per Diem Charges

b.  On the Per Diem Charges tab, pull up the patient using the chart number or last name.

c.  Enter your From/Thru Date

d.  Select the Program/Payer

e.  Select the appropriate Revenue Code

f.  If there is a Special Rate, click that tab to enter the Charge$.  Otherwise, leave Charge$ amount as is.

g.  Click Save.The charges will appear at the bottom section.

To Print Hospice Per Diem Charges, click the Reports tab (same section). 

a.  Select Your Month

b.  Click the Per Diem Charges bullet

c.  Press Print

TIP:  Utilize report 19.01 Verify Hospice Data to locate any issues/errors related to your Hospice Per Diem entries.  This reports looks for the following errors:

a.  Duplicated per diem charges.

b.  Find patients classified as not admitted, but has per diem charges.

c.  Compares the length of stay between the start of care date and the discharge date to the actual number of per diems.

d.  Per diem charges before the admit date and after the discharge date.

e.  Overlapping Hospice facility stays.

To access this report (Barnestorm Office):  Go to Reports > Hospice > 19.01 Verify Hospice Data or click here.


Occurrence span code 77 is used to identify noncovered dates. For non-covered dates, key in the per diems like usual and then use billing extra to put in that code and date range.

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Last Modified:Friday, October 26, 2018

Last Modified By: christine@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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